Jefferson Educational Consulting

A Maryland Non-profit Corporation


Our Purpose

Jefferson Educational Consulting is a non-profilt corporation. We focus on providing outstanding service to clients through workshops and seminars that ultimatly leads to healthy living and improving their quality of life.

Full Service Organization

We are a full service organization with expertise in workforce enhancement, family counseling, quality education experience, and molding current education issues.

Work With Experts

Partner with our team of experts to experience transformative workshops and seminars, empowering you to achieve optimal well-being and enhance your quality of life.

Strong Support System

We are established to create a support systems for educators and students alike via seminars, workshops and scholarships

Passionate about our Service

Dedicated to your well-being, we are passionate about delivering exceptional workshops and seminars that inspire healthy living and elevate your quality of life.

Trusted Clients
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Successful Services
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$ 0 M

Legal Practice Areas

Jefferson Educational Consulting Inc. is a full-service organization with expertise in workforce enhancement, family counseling, quality education experience and molding current education issues. The organization provides:


As seasoned mentors, we excel in guiding you through our impactful workshops and seminars, fostering healthy living and enriching your quality of life.

Professional Development

As a professional development team, we offer unparalleled workshops and seminars that pave the way for healthy living and an enhanced quality of life.

Communication Skills

As communication skills experts, we specialize in empowering you through workshops and seminars that promote healthy living and elevate your quality of life.

Financial Counseling

As financial counseling experts, our workshops and seminars empower healthy living and elevate quality of life, offering valuable guidance to secure your financial well-being.

Family Counseling

As compassionate guides, we specialize in workshops and seminars that lead to healthy living and improved quality of life, including comprehensive family counseling services.

Life Skills

As your life skills partner, our workshops and seminars promote healthy living and elevate your quality of life, equipping you with essential tools for personal and professional growth.

Non-profit Legal Status

Jefferson Educational Consulting Inc. is a Maryland non-profit public benefit corporation, recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.

Aona H. Jefferson

CEO, Founder & Secretary

Get a Personal Consultation


201 Dauntly St. Upper Marlboro,
MD 20774


Open Hours

Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday & Sunday - close

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